
Active Reseach     -     Publications     -     (Google Scholar Profile)

Active Research

Working Papers

Driving, Dropouts, and Drive-throughs: Mobility Restrictions and Teen Human Capital” (with Valerie Bostwick) (2024). [Older version post as FRBP WP 22-22 (2022), Thread]

Selected Works in Progress

“Scale Effects of Rapid Transit and Automobile Adoption” (with Paulina Oliva and Danae Hernández-Cortés). Slides, preliminary draft available by request.

“Mortality Consequences of the Interstate Highway System” (with Dustin Frye).

“Tableau Vivant: A Compound AI System for Cheaper and Efficient Table Digitization at Scale” (with Veronica Backer Peral and Vitaly Meursault).

“Creating Water Amenities: Evidence from the Chicago River Reversal” (with Mike Coury and Allison Shertzer).

“Defying Gravity: Persistence in Commuting Flows”

“Housing Prices and Family Formation” (with Ana Moreno-Maldonado and Belén Rodríguez-Moro).

“Climate, Innovation, and Adaptation” (with Enrico Berkes, Olivier Deschênes, Ruben Gaetani, and Jeff Lin).


Peer-Reviewed Publications

“Lockdowns and Innovation: Evidence from 1918 Flu Pandemic” (with Enrico Berkes, Olivier Deschênes, Ruben Gaetani, and Jeff Lin). NBER Working Paper 28152. Forthcoming at Review of Economics and Statistics. [Final version, older NBER WP]

The Problem Has Existed over Endless Years: Racialized Difference in Commuting, 1980-2019” (with devin michelle bunten, Ellen Fu, and Lyndsey Rolheiser). Journal of Urban Economics 141 (2024), 103542. [Pre-print, Thread, Media coverage: The Atlantic; Code Repo (Data TBD)]

Commuting, Labor, and Housing Market Effects of Mass Transportation: Welfare and Identification. Review of Economics and Statistics 105, no. 5 (2023), 1073-1091. [Pre-print; Thread; Replication]

Clarifying the effect of biodiversity on productivity in natural ecosystems with longitudinal data and methods for causal inference” (with L.E. Dee, P.J. Ferraro, K. Kimmel, E. Borer, and Nutrient Network). Nature Communications 14:2607 (2023). [Thread, Supplementary Information, Data & Code]

Formative Experiences and the Price of Gasoline” (with Arthur van Benthem). American Economic Journal: Applied Economics 14, no. 2 (2022): 256–284. [Pre-print; Slides; Thread; Replication (data/code) and Github repo (code); Media coverage: Washington Post, NYTimes Upshot, Academic Times, NBER Digest, Research Highlight in Nature Energy]

Technology Adoption Under Uncertainty: Take-Up and Subsequent Investment in Zambia” (with Paulina Oliva, Kelsey Jack, Samuel Bell, and Elizabeth Mettetal). Review of Economics and Statistics 102, no. 3 (2020): 617-632. [NBER WP 21414; Replication]

“What is Marine Justice?” (with J Martin, S Gray, E Aceves-Bueno, P Alagona, T Elwell, A Garcia, Z Horton, D Lopez-Carr, J Marter-Kenyon, K Miller, T Shewry, B Twohey). Journal of Environmental Studies and Sciences 9, no. 2 (2019): 234–243.

Land-Use Regulations, Property Values, and Rents: Decomposing the Effects of the California Coastal Act” (with Andrew Plantinga). Journal of Urban Economics 107 (2018): 65-78. [Supplemental Material, Pre-print, UCSB press coverage]

A forward-looking Ricardian approach: Do land markets capitalize climate change forecasts?” (with Chris Costello, and Olivier Deschênes). Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 89 (2018): 235-254. [Supplemental Material, Pre-print]

“Rural Entrepreneurial Education: An Innovative Piece of Practical Development in Latin America.” Student Journal of Latin American Studies 1 (2009): 26–51.

Books, Chapters, Essays, and Research Reports

Delayed Sampling of Recent Immigrants in the Current Population Survey,” FRBP Research Brief (2025), [Repo].

Not All Rush Hours Are the Same” (with Nassir Holden). Economic Insights 8, no. 3 (2023): 16-25. [Press: Inquirer, KYW]

Why are young people driving less? Evidence points to economics, not preferences.” Brookings Research Report (March 24, 2023). [Press: Dallas Morning News]

A Ticket to Ride: Estimating the Costs and Benefits of Rail Transit.” Economic Insights 5, no. 2 (2020).