Photo I am an Economic Advisor and Economist in the Research Department of the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia. My research spans urban, environmental, and development economics. I completed my PhD in 2017 at the University of California, Santa Barbara, where I was advised by faculty in both the Department of Economics and the Bren School. While I was in Santa Barbara, I raced wa’a.

Before graduate school, I worked for an energy efficiency consulting firm in Austin, TX. During my undergraduate studies at the University of Texas at Austin, where I majored in Latin American Studies (LLILAS) and Economics, I produced documentaries about social issues in Thailand and Paraguay. Once upon a time, I spent two years at UNT in Denton, TX, thinking I wanted to study music. Before that, I delivered pizza and gassed up boats.

New Developments

Fall 2020: Co-organized the 2020 Virtual Meeting of the Urban Economics Association (Fall 2020), the Online Spatial and Urban Seminar (Summer 2020), and the Online Urban Economics Seminar (Spring 2020).

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